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147/I, Green Road, Gulshan Avenue, Panthapath, Dhaka

Nuera Central Vaccum System

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  • Nuera Central Vaccum System

The best thing about central vacuum systems is that they don’t require you to carry a heavy unit from room to room or up and down the stairs. Central vacuum systems are designed to remove all the dirt and debris from your house and send it through tubing located in the walls to a receptacle in an out-of-the-way location like a garage ,closet or basement. With central vacuums, you only carry a lightweight hose and power brush unit around the house. The power unit is permanent and out of the way.

Technical Data:

Air Watts650 AW
Motor TypeThru -Flow
Sound  Level74 dBA
Voltage Rating240 V
Dust Capacity31.0 liters
FiltrationSafety class I
Degree of protectionSelf-Cleaning filter with Gore®