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147/I, Green Road, Gulshan Avenue, Panthapath, Dhaka

Swimming Pool Cover

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Swimming Pool Cover

The main purpose of the system is to provide for a swimming pool, spa and the like a mean that may control its depth, its floor angle (horizontal or incline), or cover the pool by a strong and rigid cover that may carry all kind of loads associated with public or private sites, as per any given demand. All that is to be done by push button or touch screen.

Benefits of Swimming Pool Cover

  • Provides a unique connect with the nature and unmatched view of garden and surrounding nature.
  • It provides a very special experience with its elegance and positivity.
  • Light Weight and Hassle Free Movement.
  • Protection of water against dust & debris, thus savings on cleaning chemicals / labour and water in swimming Pools.
Technical  Data:

Roof Frame & Mounting Structure

 SS/ Mild Steel/ Aluminium

Top Sheet-

Wooden/Polycarbonates sheet  with UV Protection


 Manually/ Automatic

 Slide Mechanism

Belt and pulley /Wire Rope